The Loyalty People

Spotlight Program


The following data has been gathered concerning Petromart's successful Rewards Program:

  • Member since July 2016
  • 1944 cards are currently active
  • 299,920 transactions have been posted since July 2016
  • Over 19,108,132 points have been issued since July 2016
  • Over 11,855,642 points redeemed since July 2016
  • Examples of Prizes Issued
    • 5 cents PPU rollback car dealer
    • Shower
    • Third Swipe 150 Pts
    • Birthday
    • Petromart #2 coffee
    • Petromart #1 coffee
    • Petromart #1 fountain
    • 5 cents PPU rollback member group
    • Petromart #2 fountain
    • Petromart MO valley coffee
    • MO Valley fountain
    • Buy 9 Fresh Sandwiches 10th Free
    • Petromart Onawa fountain
    • Petromart Onawa coffee


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